Tuesday, January 31, 2006

State of Illusion

Many Americans have this sense of profound malaise. Of course, that's the ailment that dare not speak its name (and not just because it's French).

Check out the Article...the link is the title of the post

Crazy Week

Well, this last week was pretty interesting. It was full of a lot of school work. I had two tests...one in Signals, which I got a 17/20 on and one in differential equations, which I don't know my grade on yet. I'm pretty sure I did alright on it though. The weekend was a great time...Friday night especially. Randy Krug, one of my good friends that I go to school with, recently got put on the high alert list to be sent over to the middle east...again. So friday night we had a big party in his honor. Being the awesome guy he is, he cooked 10 of us a prime rib dinner, with carrots and scalloped potatoes. It was awesome. Following the dinner, everyone started to show up for the party. There were quite a few people there. It was an awesome time. Like all parties, there were a lot of pictures taken....same link to see these pictures as all the other posts. The night ended pretty well. Saturday was less eventful..pretty much just hanging around the house with the fraternity brothers. Sunday was packed full of homework, but overall it wasn't bad. Today I found out that I have a book review, presentation on that book, and a film festival to attend and take notes on all due by Monday. The film festival starts wednesday and goes through saturday...which is dumb...and we are required to go. The book review and presentation are both for the same class and are due on monday as well. So I have a lot of work to do with that. Luckily I don't have any big tests this week...just a quiz in solids. On a more fun note for the week, I'm hanging out with Kim tomorrow. We're gonna go look for a dress for her for semiformal then I'm going with her to get her tattoo that she's been wanting to get for a long time. It should be fun to hang out since we haven't had too much of a chance lately with our schedules and such. Tonight was a lot of fun. I went over to the phi delt house to hang out with a bunch of friends. We sat around and talked about all kinds of crazy philisophical stuff and religion...it was a good time. Tried a hookah too...it was alright, although the flavor we were using wasn't the best. It was just cool to hang out and talk about crazy stuff. So far this term has been a lot of fun...it's awesome. I should get some sleep though...just thought I'd update for all of you that just might be following my life for some sort of entertainment or whatever lol. Be sure to check out the pictures though...there are some good ones for sure...I made the title of this post a link to the pictures too if you want to click that for some reason.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Some Interestingness...

So, like predicted, the weekend went quite well. The delt party was a ton of fun. I got to see and hang out with a bunch of friends I haven't seen in a while. During the time of the party, I noticed some really weird weather that I'm not used to. We get slush on the ground after stuff melts and such, but I don't ever recall it falling from the sky... Anywho, saturday was probably more fun for me than friday night. A small amount of the guys and some of the pledges went to the greenhouse and had a good time. We put on some good music and some of it was the type you stand around and sing...good times all around. I also stood outside and talked with Lesko for a while...always nice to just sit and talk about random stuff.

Standing Around Singing

Eye of the Tiger was on...

Who knows...

The rest of the weekend was pretty uneventful...just a bunch of studying. The week has been that way too. The rest of the week is probably going to be pretty similar. I have 2 tests this week, so I've got to buckle down and git er done.

Friday night will probably be just hanging out at the greenhouse. Satuday night I'm planning on driving to MSU to hang out with someone I met there last term. I'm looking forward to it...should be a good time.

So Kim and I are doing pretty good now...we both accept quite well what the situation is and what we want. We're just sticking to casual friends, which I am completely ok with now. She is going with me to my fraternity's semiformal up in Canada in a few weeks though. It'll be a lot of fun, I'm sure.

Well, I've got a bunch of stuff to do...I'm out!

Friday, January 20, 2006

What's New?!?

Not too much actually... This is has just been one of those typical weeks so far. Had a couple quizes, did well on one (I think) and bombed the other. Luckily the professor I have for the one that I bombed is letting the whole class do it this weekend at home. He told us that it does no good for us to take a quiz, get a grade, and move on, because that doesn't make sure that we learned the subject matter. Instead he's going to make sure we get it right by taking it again over the weekend on our own time. I wish more professors were like him.

This week has been very flintastic though... The delts, phi delts, and my fraternity have had cars broken into the last few days. I think we have a liscense plate on the asshole that is taking shit. They're going down!

Yesterday was the shit! We had pledge initiation for the new guys. I got a little B now! It's pretty sweet. We all call him Italian Matt. He's all into paintball and such like me, so it should be pretty cool. I was just happy that one of them wanted me to be their mentor in the fraternity.

Tonight should be pretty fun. The Delts are having their welcome back party. So far they have invited around 500 people or so. It should be pretty wild. Not everyone will show up, but there will still probably be around 300 or so throughout the night. No drinking for me this weekend though...I have just as much fun without needing to do that. I feel better when I know that there are a decent amount of sober people around too.

So I think I found one of my next investments. (down the line a ways, if I get back into it as much as I used to.) The DM5 paintball gun is now only around $900 because they came out with the DM6. The gun is amazing. It would be a nice switch over my current gun simply because autocockers require a lot of tinkering and I don't have the time to do that when I go play now. When I used to play 3 or so times a week, I could just sit around and get my gun tuned perfect, but I don't have that luxury anymore. Here's a picture of my current gun then below it is the Dye DM5. Both are semi-automatic guns capable of shooting around 30 balls per second. The fastest that I have been able to pull the trigger on my gun is 16 or 17 times a second. I'm a bit higher on the DM5. Either way, they both rip like nothing! If anyone is interested in buying my current setup, leave a comment. I'd probably sell it for around $600 or so...which would be incredibly difficult since there is around $1200-1300 into it. I love autocockers, but don't quite have the time to mess with them.

In other news, I watched Lord of War the other night again. The movie is great. It puts you into the heart of the arms trade. Really strong movie...sure gets you thinking. I'd recommend it.

As for music, Adam introduced me to an awesome group called Thievery Corporation. The music is different...iTunes labels the genres on their three cds as Reggae, Electronica/Dance, and World. The electronica cd I don't like as much, but the other two are awesome. Check them out...just click on the link I posted there.

So I'm kinda bummed that my new laptop doesn't ship until the 15th of February, so I have to wait in suspense for almost a month. I think it'll be worth the wait though...it's going to be awesome.

Other than that, I don't have much else going on. If anyone wants to do something this weekend, give me a call.

Monday, January 16, 2006

What a Weekend!

Lets start at thursday night. Adam came into town the night before and were already wondering what to go do. Well we heard that Sigma Chi was having a rooms night party at their house on thursday.

I called up Kim and he called up Hannah. We drove out to their house and had a good time out there. It was kind of a bummer by the end of the night because Kim was dancing with another guy for a while (i didn't mind that), but then when I wanted to dance with her she just told me that she was tired. I just ended up dancing with a girl I met last summer named Kellie. We had a good time. Friday night we went to the greenhouse after Hannah, Adam and I went to Sommerset mall near detroit. The green house was off the hook that night.

People everywhere! It was a ton of fun. Saturday night was about the same...just hanging out over at the green house. Yesterday Adam, Lee, and I took off down to the Detroit International Auto Show. It was sweet. The girl I sat next to on the plane when I flew back to Michigan was a BMW lady! She gave us our own personal tour and hooked us up with a press kit. Sweet deal for sure. That night we ended up heading to the Phi Delt party house and hanging out with them. Overall, a pretty good weekend.

In other news, I have no clue what's going on with Whitney...for some reason she won't talk to me. I wish she would, because I have no idea of what I did. She said she had such a great time in Colorado and after she left I've talked to her maybe a total of 5 minutes.

I just found out that my laptop doesn't even ship until the 15th of February, so that sucks. I can't wait though!

Here's a link to all my pictures:

My Facebook Photo Albums

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


So the new Apple top of the line laptop dubbed the MacBook Pro was unvieled today and like I said before, I was probably going to get one...so I did. I ordered it today, but they won't ship until February...so I have a bit of time to wait. I was just really happy about that, so I thought I'd share. Here's a picture of it.

Class and Dreams

So yesterday was my first day of class in three months. It was actually decent. Two of my classes are going to be pretty easy. The other two are probably going to be pretty difficult. I have a presentation due on thursday in intro to social sciences already...doesn't that just suck. It has been great to get back though. All of the guys are finally here. We've been chilling listening to music, playing video games, fucking around, playing ping pong with kitchen utinsels/pots and pans lol. It was a good time. I am definitely looking forward to this term...by the end of the term we'll hopefully have around 10 or more new brothers.

On the subject that I usually complain about, I'm not quite sure what to say. I have absolutely no clue what's going on with Whit. Seems like anytime she is close to a guy back home she all of the sudden can't even call a friend. I haven't heard from her in a while. I actually had some really weird dreams about her last night. Basically along the same lines of what always seems to happen with me and her. I get left behind when she gets close to someone back home. It was almost a nightmare, but suprisingly close to what she does in reality. Fuck it is all I have to say about that. As for Kim, we've been having a good time. She came over to hang out last night. She got to meet a few more of my brothers, so that was cool. I can't wait to go to a party with her...that's when we definitely have some fun. We just hung out and watched a movie and talked. I definitely love hanging out with her. It would be amazing if things progressed, but until then (if it happens) we're still going to hang out pretty often...no pressure. Hopefully the end of this month we can go to a pistons game...if I can get the tickets. That was my Christmas present to her (she loves basketball.)

At any rate, I'm looking forward to this weekend too. Adam is supposed to come into town and go down to the auto show with me. That should be pretty fun since I haven't seen him since last school term.

For those of you that actually read all the way through these, please sign my guestbook. Thanks!

Saturday, January 07, 2006


Well, as most of you know (maybe), I flew back to Michigan yesterday. I caught a flight out of Grand Junction around 6:30 in the morning yesterday. The flight to Denver was pretty boring, but short, which is good. I had a nice breakfast in the Denver airport then hopped on a plane to Detroit. The flight was long, but really good. I sat next to a couple cool people. The one work talking about was a girl named Sarah. She was actually flying to Detroit for BMW to work at the auto show for 17 days. She grew up in the Laguna Beach area and knows the father of one of the main girls on the show Laguna Beach...craziness. She was really nice and fun to talk to. She actually gave me her card for her massage therapy deal (she's liscensed in that too). So that was fun. I got into detroit around 3 pm and got a ride from a friend of mine to my car. I then had to drive an hour into Flint. It was nice to get back. I got most of my stuff unpacked then went out to eat with a few of the guys. A while later Kim came over! It was awesome to see her. She helped me get a few things set up in my room, then we headed over to my friends' party house. We watched part of the Piston's game and played some texas hold'em. I almost one :( Kim did get second though! After that Kim and I went to taco bell then to her house. Ate there then headed back the fraternity house. Along the way we talked a bit about her situation with Shawn (the guy she's into.) I guess they got in a fight the other day because he doesn't want her hanging out with other guys...which is complete bullshit. Well she hasn't talked to him hardly at all since then. Well tonight after work she's going over there to talk to him and help him paint his room or whatever. I want it to work out for her sake, but at the same time it's incredibly hard to watch that happen. Anyone that has read my blog for any amount of time kinda knows how I feel about her. I would love to have something more with her. She's fun, smart, nice, and beautiful. It's her decision though. After she goes over there tonight she's probably going to come hang out. Maybe I'll hear good news. I'm wondering just what it is that I'm not doing or don't have to be able to take this further. It just freaking sucks when the two girls that I really like both want different guys. Guess that's how it has always been for me.

Anywho, this weekend is my last before school starts. This term should be pretty good for me. I have good teachers for the most part. I'm taking Solids, Signals, Differential Equations, and Intro to Social Science. I'm also looking forward to seeing all of our pledges initiated. I'm looking forward to this term for sure.

I know I've asked a lot, but very few of you that read this have signed my guestbook. The link is right over on the right. It's simple to do and I would appreciate it.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Last night in Colorado

So I'm laying in bed not able to go to sleep. Why? I'm not quite sure. I'm excited to get back to school and see all my friends. I don't think that's why I can't sleep though...I think I just have too much shit on my mind...like the freaking girl situation. Fuck 'em. I don't even like talking about it anymore. I look stupid when I talk about how I stay with them or keep liking them when I'm just a friend when it's convenient for them. I'm not going to go into detail on either of the situation with the two girls. All I'm saying is that Whit seems to have forgot I exist and seems to be talking to her asshole ex again. As for Kim, I'm not quite sure. She's still always a good friend, and I'm not quite sure what to expect. She's got a thing for the controlling "bad" guys. No room for my type in there. Oh well. At least I'm supposed to hang out with her tomorrow and possibly saturday. Maybe things are just fine and I'm just paranoid...seeing as how things never have been just fine for me with similar situations in the past. She always told me to not compare our situation to other experiences, so I'm not going to and I'm going to see how this goes. I hoping/wishing for the best.

Well, I've got a flight at 6:30 in the morning so I better get to sleep. I'll be in detroit at 2:45 eastern time and flint around 4:15 or so just in case you're wondering. Can't wait to get back!!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Late night thoughts...

First off, before I go into my rant or whatever you want to call it, I just thought I'd throw out what my day/week has consisted of so far. Monday wasn't that exciting. I did to go a movie with Ashley. Narnia was suprisingly good. She's a cool girl and fun to hang out with. Other than that I did pretty much nothing except for talk to friends online and surf the web. Today was pretty good even though my parents went to work. I ended up going out to lunch with my grandma, cousins, and aunt. I hadn't had olive garden in a while, so that was nice. After that I bought Wedding Crashers and took that back to my grandma's house and watched it. Great movie. Tonight was just hanging out on here and talking to friends online. I talked to Whitney a bit...I want to know what exactly is going with her and her feelings. Ever since she left here I have barely talked to her. I'm probably just over analysing things...I tend to do that a bit. I'm pretty sure nothing is going to happen with her...even a ways down the road. I just don't see her going in my direction. At least I have her as a friend. Keeping it at that is the best for me for now. Keeping it that way will keep me from screwing up other things, that could be something. Is there a possiblity with Kim? I don't know for sure. I hope. All I know is that she's great and I get to hang out with her a bunch when I get back to Michigan. She means a lot to me!

Anyhow, on a different note, I hope I find some more fun stuff to do the last couple days I'm in Colorado. I have absolutely nothing planned tomorrow, so hopefull something comes up. Thursday should be fun...gonna hang out with my friend JJ...probably just go do a bunch of random crap. Who knows. On friday I have to get up early and get my ass on a plane back to detroit...then drive into flint and get moved in. And see Kim!!

I'm gonna have to run a few errands when I get back on saturday...spend some money! I have to find a pier 1 imports and get a papasan chair (the big bowl looking chairs) for my room at the fraternity. They're super comfortable. Then I have to run to walmart and get some random crap. Probably run by the mall and spend some money and buy some new polos...could use a few new ones. Then if the new apple powerbook comes out this next week I might just have to buy one of them...depending on the reviews on them. Hopefully they're good. At any rate, it's going to be great to get back. Most of you by now probably don't even give a shit about all my random babling, but oh well.

I need sleep. If you're so kind, I would appreciate some recommendations on some good new music.