Monday, February 28, 2005


Well, semiformal was over the weekend. It was awesome, but before i get into the detail there I've gotta talk about the night before.

Adam and I took my car to go pick up his date in Canada. Little did we know that it would turn out to be a $200 trip that took 7 hours. The way there was going really smooth until a little ways into Canada we got pulled over doing about 85 mph...which I have no idea what it is in Km. Anyhow, it was 42 Km/h over the speed limit. Good thing was that it wasn't me getting the ticked...bad news is that it was Adam. The ticket ended up being around $160 canadian piece of shit dollars. After getting back on the interestate, we get to the exit that we were supposed to pick Shannon up on and found out that her parents had taken her to the next exit. Finally we met up and were on our way back when Adam missed the exit for hwy 402. We went about 50 miles too far on the wrong highway, so we took some back roads back to 402. This is where we almost died. It was dark and snowing really hard. The roads were covered in slush and ice. We got to a point where we got out of the path on the road and tried to bring it back into the path. The slightest touch of the steering wheel left or right sent us fishtailing majorly. Going 65mph sent us sliding all over for about 300 yards. Finally we gained control without crashing and made it back to the U.S. Once back there we were on the clean interstate...except for the inside lain. It was still slushy and icy. Some dipshit decided to pass us in that lane going like 90. He was doing ok until a slight turn in the interstate came up. We knew he was probably going to lose it so we backed off a ways. Sure enough, he ended up doing 360s in the middle of the interstate. Luckily we were the only ones close to him. In the end we made it back to the fraternity alright, but people were mad at us because we missed the charity bowling. That night was pretty much over by then...i was tired and worn out.

The next day I went and spent a ton of money to get ready for the semiformal and for the semiformal itself. I bought a kick ass DKNY tie to go with my Brooke's Brothers shirt. Oh yeah...I had to buy the suspenders too. Once we got all that and a haircut we were on our way to canada. It went smooth this time. We got across the border and into the hotel. Dinner and everythign at the hotel was fun, but most of the fun came later at the club. I'm only 18 mind get into clubs you ahve to be 19. To get in I decided to borrow one of Shane's IDs. I don't look too much like him, but i tried anyways. When I showed the bouncer the ID he looked at it, then at me, handed it back to me and told me, "I know you're underage". Then let me in. It was awesome. We stayed there and danced till about 2 or 2:30. We then decided to walk down the street and get some pizza. That's where we lost drunk Grimace. He went into the pizza place with us, but left sometime while we were there. We had no idea where he went, but somehow he made his way back to the hotel. After finishing the pizza we all made our way back to the hotel to sleep. That was pretty much the extent of semiformal. Nothing exciting really happened Sunday.

It was a good weekend...

Thursday, February 24, 2005

FIJI Time!

So overall things have been going pretty well. The only thing that seems to be screwed up is Adam and my friendship. Coming into the semester we were great friends. Within about a month we started fighting all the time. It's pretty much to the point where if we see each other for more than a half hour or so in a non class room setting we'll start arguing about stupid shit. I came to the conclusion that you shouldn't move into a small living space with your best friend and schedule all your classes with him too. It's just asking for problems. So to fix the problem I moved over to FIJI early.

This is the good news. It's so much fun living over here. Just hanging out with the guys and being able to get help on just about anything when it comes to school or otherwise is awesome. I moved in with Ivory and Clay. They're fun as hell to room with...especially since Ivory just got Gran Turismo 4. We just chill and watch Ivory kick ass and buy new cars. Sounds lame, but it's fun.

School is going well except for physics. Right now I have about a 74% in that class. I just took another test today and feel really confident about it. That should boost my grade up to around 80%. My other classes are easy as hell. I have over 92% in all my other classes, which puts me in line for deans list if i can get my grade up in physics. I dediced not to take 20 credits next term...mostly because I don't know if I'll be able to yet. It's also Rush term next term, so I'll be pretty busy with that. It's going to be fun as hell.

As for work term, a friend of mine just got the job with me. We'll be working and living together in Iowa. I'm pretty sure we won't fight like Adam and I did mostly because we'll be working in different departments in the plant and will live in a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment, so we'll get some time away from each other. It'll be a lot better than living alone like I did most of last term. I'm not really that psyched to go back to work though mainly because school term is so awesome and during work term I'm in the middle of no where with nothing to do and no one to do anything with for the most part. It should be better than last work term though.

Semiformal this weekend with Tamara. I'm looking forward to it. Hopefully things go smoothly and she is willing to have some fun.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Studying sucks

So I think this week marks the first time that I actually spent any significant amoung of time studying. For physics, it didn't pay off too well, and I'm hoping it does for my math quiz tomorrow. I don't think it's paying off too well for Adam either...he's been over in the library for a good 5 hours at least. My guess is that he did a few calc 2 problems and fell asleep. Now I'm sitting here waiting for him to get his ass back up here so he can do the last peer edit on my comm. paper. Until then I have time to screw around on the computer and talk to some friends.

This weekend should be pretty good. Adam is going home to New York, so that will give us some much needed space. I'm heading over to FIJI for the weekend. Saturday night should be a good time...going to a Flint Generals hockey game. MAybe I'll get a little more homework done over the weekend and be set for the next week. Who knows.

I'll finally have a new motherboard in for my computer on more stupid freezes because of crappy incompatibilities.

Semiformal is a little over a week away...I'm looking forward to it. FInally got the room reserved for Tamara and I....don't let your mind go rushing off into the gutter...nothing is going to happen except some dancing and such with all the other couples.

Adam just got back, so back to homework

Saturday, February 12, 2005


If you consider it a sport to gather your food by drilling through 18inches of ice and sitting there all day hoping that the food will swim by, you might live in Colorado.

If you're proud that your region makes the national news 96 nights
each year because Fraser is the coldest spot in the nation, you might live in Colorado.

If your local Dairy Queen is closed from November through May, you might live in Colorado.

If you instinctively walk like a penguin for five months out of the
year, you might live in Colorado.

If someone in a store offers you assistance, and they don't work
there, you might live in Colorado.

If your dad's suntan stops at a line curving around the middle of his
forehead, you might live in Colorado.

If you have worn shorts and a parka at the same time, you might live in Colorado.

If your town has an equal number of bars and churches, you might live in Colorado.

If you have had a lengthy telephone conversation with someone who dialed a wrong number, you might live in Colorado.


1. "Vacation" means going to Denver for the weekend.

2. You measure distance in hours.

3. You know several people who have hit a deer more than once.

4. You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day and back again.
5. You can drive 65 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging
blizzard, without flinching.

6. You see people wearing camouflage at social events (including weddings).

7. You install security lights on your house and garage and leave all the doors unlocked.

8. You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.

9. Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled
with snow.

10. You know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter and
road construction.

11. You can identify a southern or eastern accent.

12. Your idea of creative landscaping is a concrete statue of a deer next to your blue spruce.

13. You were unaware that there is a legal drinking age.

14. A critter is something you eat.

15. Your neighbor throws a party to celebrate his new pole shed.

16. You go out to fish fry every Friday.


18. You have more miles on your snow blower than your car.

19. You find 0 degrees "a little chilly."

20. You actually understand these jokes, and you forward them to all your Colorado friends.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Flava Flav!

Everyone seems to not like mondays, but Tuesdays are the day that suck for me. Well, at least in the morning. They're one of the two days that I have go get up early for class. Oh well, at least it's a somewhat fun class.

Pledging at FIJI is kicking my ass. We have to read a lot, do interviews, and write short essays and such. I'm really glad I decided not to take 20 credits this term. I wouldn't have time for anything if I had.

Semiformal is coming up in a couple weeks. It should be pretty fun. I asked Tamara if she would go with me and she said that she would. So on the 26th we're heading to Canada for a night of dancing and other activities. I'm pretty sure Adam is taking Shannon to the semiformal. That should be a riot...especially the night before in the dorms. Overall it should be a good time.

92% on my calc 2 test...whoohoo

Physics is starting to give me a run for my money

MECH is a joke

Comm is easy...I get to argue!

Weight lifting is kicking my ass, but I'm going to keep doing it...almost 2 hours a day! Already noticing some results in arms and such.

North Carolina is out for this weekend because a stupid phys test on monday...damn

FIJI website will be completely updated soon...I'll post the link when it's all up and ready.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Too much school for a friday

Today is going to be a little hard. I have a test in a few hours in calc 2. I haven't done the homework in the class since before the first quiz. I should still do pretty well though. I do understand the material so far.

Comm. was an interesting class this morning. Tonight I have to go to some documentery on the Illinois death penalty then write a paper on it. Shouldn't be too difficult...just time consuming.

My posts seem to be kinda boring lately, so here's a joke:

People Who Should've Won This Years Nobel Prize

1. Britney Spears & Eminem
Who, combined, have written more books than they've read.

2. Dr. Phil Mcgraw
Who has managed to convince millions of women to buy his self-help books, despite the fact that his most high-profile patient, Oprah Winfrey, is an overweight woman with serious commitment issues.

3. America's Oil Companies
For a lifetime body of work proving that oil and water don't mix.

4. Yasser Arafat & Ariel Sharon
For those 2 consecutive days last March when no Israelis or Palestinians killed each other.

5. Bill Gates
For creating the X-Box and convincing Americans that their children need a $200 video game system during a recession.

6. The Editors of Maxim
For managing to create 300 magazine pages a month using no other subjects besides beer and models.

7. Jared
Of the Subway Sandwich fame, whose claim of losing hundreds of pounds and achieving optimum health by eating nothing but oversized, greasy heroes was questioned by no one.

8. Jennifer Lopez
Who, in conjunction with DuPont, developed a synthetic fabric capable of containing her ass.

9. That 300 Pound Guy
Who always manages to jam himself into the coach seat right next to yours on coast to coast flights.

10. Glaxo
Who has managed to make "loose stools" a side effect of every one of the drugs it produces.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

I'm Lost

So this week has been pretty crazy. Pledge class is requiring quite a bit of work and I'm having a hard time keeping up with it. I will know it all by the final test though. Hopefully this weekend my pledge class takes care of all their responsibilities for the Super Buero party this Sunday. If it turns out all crappy Alpha Phi isn't going to want to do as much with us in the future and others won't either. I just hope everyone caries through on their part of setting it up. So far I'm the only one that has finished their task.

As for other things going on, I have to overhaul Fiji's website. Right now it's really outdated and boring. I'm trying as hard as I can to come up with a nice, cool looking website for the house. I want it to be original and somewhat advanced so that it's not cheesy looking. It'll take some work and I'll need some help from some other people in the house. Hopefully they'll be willing to help me. (this means you Sweers, Clint, and Jeremiah.)

Classes seem to be going pretty well. I'm kicking ass in calc so far. We'll really see how I'm doing after tomorrow's test. I seem to be doing alright in Mech and in Comm. PHysics hasn't had many grades, but of the ones we have I've done pretty well. Things are looking towards the dean's list right now...let's hope it stays that way.

Other situations have me for a loss...especially what to do with the girl situation. There's a girl that I really like that is a good friend (i would say). We've been hanging out a lot lately, but nothing really fun or exciting has happened. I did find out that she has a boyfriend. I'd like to have some sort of relationship with her, but at the same time she doesn't really want one and she just wants a guy friend that doesn't want anything more than just friendship. On top of that, I don't want to get in the middle of what she has already. I hope that asking her out to dinner and to the semiformal won't make her stand-offish. She's a great girl that is outgoing, nice, funny, caring, and intelligent. That along with her beauty makes for one hell of a cool girl. For now I'm standing off...I'm not going to pursue a relationship anymore until she shows that she may be interested. We'll see how things go.