Monday, January 16, 2006

What a Weekend!

Lets start at thursday night. Adam came into town the night before and were already wondering what to go do. Well we heard that Sigma Chi was having a rooms night party at their house on thursday.

I called up Kim and he called up Hannah. We drove out to their house and had a good time out there. It was kind of a bummer by the end of the night because Kim was dancing with another guy for a while (i didn't mind that), but then when I wanted to dance with her she just told me that she was tired. I just ended up dancing with a girl I met last summer named Kellie. We had a good time. Friday night we went to the greenhouse after Hannah, Adam and I went to Sommerset mall near detroit. The green house was off the hook that night.

People everywhere! It was a ton of fun. Saturday night was about the same...just hanging out over at the green house. Yesterday Adam, Lee, and I took off down to the Detroit International Auto Show. It was sweet. The girl I sat next to on the plane when I flew back to Michigan was a BMW lady! She gave us our own personal tour and hooked us up with a press kit. Sweet deal for sure. That night we ended up heading to the Phi Delt party house and hanging out with them. Overall, a pretty good weekend.

In other news, I have no clue what's going on with Whitney...for some reason she won't talk to me. I wish she would, because I have no idea of what I did. She said she had such a great time in Colorado and after she left I've talked to her maybe a total of 5 minutes.

I just found out that my laptop doesn't even ship until the 15th of February, so that sucks. I can't wait though!

Here's a link to all my pictures:

My Facebook Photo Albums


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