Amsterdam and Back to School!
Amsterdam was an absolutely wild 8 days. Sweers, Shane, Corey, Marcin and I had the time of our lives over there. I posted up over 100 pictures on my facebook photo album (like on the right) if you want to check it out. I definitely recommend that place if you want to have a ton of fun. I'm not going to post any stories here because they just wouldn't do the trip justice. I'll tell some of them to some of you if you want. Here are a few pictures of the trip and a video from some random person of the New Years party we were at.

Here's a video of the crazy ass new years party...and it doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of how crazy it was there.
This is just scratching the surface. There were about 30,000 or more people packed in just the square, the rain was pouring, the music was soo loud that you could feel the bass from a mile was just freaking amazing! Everyone was just bouncing up and down listening to the music not caring at all about the rain. There were fireworks going off all over the place. It was an unbelievable experience! I wish I could get some better videos of it. We were way up by the stage where it was even more crazy than where that video is taken from.
Anywho, outside of the best 8 days I've had in college, I've made my way back to Flint for school. Classes this semester are a joke. I'm taking marketing, management, accounting, computer aided engineering, and machine design. I've had a blast so far though. Adam is back at school, we have a huge pledge class full of awesome guys, and Hannah and her friends have been over hanging out. Just a great start to a term so far.
The detroit auto show is this weekend and next, so I'm going to head down to that. I'll definitely post up some pictures from that in the next week or so.
I'm heading out to go have some fun...I'll be updating more now that I'm back at school with easy classes.
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