What's New?!?
This week has been very flintastic though... The delts, phi delts, and my fraternity have had cars broken into the last few days. I think we have a liscense plate on the asshole that is taking shit. They're going down!
Yesterday was the shit! We had pledge initiation for the new guys. I got a little B now! It's pretty sweet. We all call him Italian Matt. He's all into paintball and such like me, so it should be pretty cool. I was just happy that one of them wanted me to be their mentor in the fraternity.
Tonight should be pretty fun. The Delts are having their welcome back party. So far they have invited around 500 people or so. It should be pretty wild. Not everyone will show up, but there will still probably be around 300 or so throughout the night. No drinking for me this weekend though...I have just as much fun without needing to do that. I feel better when I know that there are a decent amount of sober people around too.
So I think I found one of my next investments. (down the line a ways, if I get back into it as much as I used to.) The DM5 paintball gun is now only around $900 because they came out with the DM6. The gun is amazing. It would be a nice switch over my current gun simply because autocockers require a lot of tinkering and I don't have the time to do that when I go play now. When I used to play 3 or so times a week, I could just sit around and get my gun tuned perfect, but I don't have that luxury anymore. Here's a picture of my current gun then below it is the Dye DM5. Both are semi-automatic guns capable of shooting around 30 balls per second. The fastest that I have been able to pull the trigger on my gun is 16 or 17 times a second. I'm a bit higher on the DM5. Either way, they both rip like nothing! If anyone is interested in buying my current setup, leave a comment. I'd probably sell it for around $600 or so...which would be incredibly difficult since there is around $1200-1300 into it. I love autocockers, but don't quite have the time to mess with them.

In other news, I watched Lord of War the other night again. The movie is great. It puts you into the heart of the arms trade. Really strong movie...sure gets you thinking. I'd recommend it.
As for music, Adam introduced me to an awesome group called Thievery Corporation. The music is different...iTunes labels the genres on their three cds as Reggae, Electronica/Dance, and World. The electronica cd I don't like as much, but the other two are awesome. Check them out...just click on the link I posted there.
So I'm kinda bummed that my new laptop doesn't ship until the 15th of February, so I have to wait in suspense for almost a month. I think it'll be worth the wait though...it's going to be awesome.
Other than that, I don't have much else going on. If anyone wants to do something this weekend, give me a call.
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