What an Amazing Week

I couldn't have asked for a better week. First thing was the date with Ashley. I had a great time going out with her. We went to the Whinery (really nice restaurant in GJ) for dinner and had a nice talk there. Following that we cruised on over to the movie theatre to see King Kong, not knowing until just before we went that it was 3 1/2 hours. We decided to go for it. It actually turned out to be a pretty good movie. We didn't get out of it until around 11 or so. We were both kinda tired so I took her home. We're going to go out again and play pool and such. It should be a good time. She's a really pretty and nice girl.
The next suprise was amazing. Whitney called me and let me know that she was going to come visit for a few days if I didn't have anything going on. She got in Wednesday night. We sat and talked for a bit then decided we wanted to go bowling. We got to the bowling alley only to find out that there was a 45 minute wait. Instead of waiting we went and rented The Exorcism of Emily Rose. I hate horror movies too, but she insisted. We watched that then went to bed. Yesterday morning we got up decently early and drove to Glenwood Springs to go to the caverns and the lodge. It was a great time and I got some good pictures. Following that we headed back to Grand Junction and went to the mall to hang out and do a bit of shopping. We both bought a few things then headed home for a homemade steak and shrimp dinner. It was great. After dinner my parents, sister, grandma, whitney, and I played a game of cards. I ended up getting a call from some friends to go see if I wanted to come see the producers with them. Whitney and I both were wanting to see it so we headed out to the theater. It was a great movie...very funny. We didn't want to go to bed when we got back, even though it was almost 1, so we decided to put on a movie till we fell asleep. This morning was hard. I knew she had to go and I didn't want her to leave. She's an amazing girl and a few days isn't enough to catch up on 12 years of not seeing her. I'm going to try as hard as I can to see her as much as I can.
As for everything else, it seems to be going pretty good. I don't have any plans for New Years yet, but I'm banking on something good coming up. Even though I've had a great time here I still can't wait to get back to Michigan to see all my friends and Kim. I miss her a lot and am looking forward to hanging out again.
Well, I think I'm heading out for the day. If anyone wants to hang out, hit me up!
Glad to see you've had a nice time in Grand Junction so far. Even gladder to see you're happy with the women in your life. Happy New Year, Clint! -Lisa
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