Tuesday, May 02, 2006

A Democratic Dictatorship

'No one can deny that we now live in a country in which the ruler has the omnipotent power to send the entire nation into war on his own initiative. To use the president’s words, when it comes to declaring and waging war against another country, he’s the “decider.”'

In my life:
Not much really new here. I was recently talking to Apple tech support about an issue with my laptop (minor issue regarding the first run off of macbook pros) and they were amazingly helpful and nice. I have NEVER talked to tech support that comes even close to the quality of Apple's.

Since the last time I posted, I did go see a new movie. If you get the chance, go see Thank You For Smoking. It's funny as hell.

For those of you back home that read this: I will most likely be in town the last week of June into the first couple days of July. Let me know if you want to do something.

Also, paintball has been getting a ton of airtime on tv lately. Support the sport and flip on the tube to either espn or espn2. It's on monday nights and different times on sundays.

For those of you that know much about paintball, I'd love some feedback. I'm looking at getting one of these guns: dm4/5, Angel 4 fly, Angel G7, or an Ego. I've shot the DM4 and really liked it. The angel 4 that I shot was nice, but it didn't have quite as comfortable of a fit as the dm4, but it is easier to take care of and has a lot of extra features. I haven't shot the Ego, but having spent lots of money and time working with Planet Eclipse products and was impressed with their quality and ease of use. The teams that have been playing with them seem to have nothing but good things to say. Have any of you shot one? Let me know!

Other than all that randomness, I don't have much else to say. I'm sure I'll update again soon!


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