Thursday, March 02, 2006

Long Weekend and...

no plans :( No one seems to know what to do this weekend. I'm guessing it's going to be pretty similar to most other weekends...just playing it by ear. Either way it's going to be relaxing, which is all that really matters.

I really don't have a whole lot to write about...nothing new with school, nothing really new with the fraternity....just hanging out and having a good time. Politics have been pretty interesting lately...if you have read either of my last two posts. Since I have nothing else to talk about right now, check this out:

I'm not sure if you've heard, but President Bush has been exposed as a liar (well, again). It's because of video footage just released by the Associated Press that proves he deceived the public when he claimed to have had no idea what Katrina could do.

You can see the video, here:

I've joined's campaign to call on Congress to censure the President for misleading the American people. I'm inviting you to join me:

The day before Hurricane Katrina hit, experts personally warned Bush about the coming disaster. He knew the levees might fail, and he knew the Superdome might not be safe. But he did nothing.

Four days later, Bush pretended that there was no way to know the devastation Katrina would bring. He said, "I don't think anybody anticipated the breach of the levees." While Bush failed to act, 1,300 people died, and thousands more suffered unimaginable trauma and loss.

It's unacceptable. Using the website, I just sent a letter to my representatives in Congress demanding that they censure President Bush. This means Congress would officially denounce the President for his failure to protect the people of the Gulf Coast--and his failure to be honest about it afterwards.

I wanted you to know about this effort, and wanted to invite you to join me. It's easy, and together we can make a big difference.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is this Bush's fault? I don't understand how everyone is putting the blame on Bush and not the local authorities who should have done more since it is their concern. Remember the whole separation of state and federal?

I did not hear one expert say the levees would break in that video. Bush said nobody could have predicted the levees failing, or something like that, and that is true..

3/05/2006 1:46 PM  
Blogger Clint said...

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3/05/2006 1:55 PM  
Blogger Clint said...

It is partly Bush's fault. He kept telling everyone that he was on top of things and was 100% prepared. In the video one of the experts did say that the levees would most likely be topped..IE: breached. He also was warned that the superdome would NOT be a good place for shelter, but opted to go with it anyways. What kind of leadership is this?? Do we want a president that ignores the experts just to be unwavering in his stance? Is it better to have a president that is sure of himself all the time, but constantly screws up, or one that changes his opinion/approach to things if the circumstances change? I think the latter is better.

As far as blame being partly placed on local and state authorities, I agree completely. EVERY level of government failed to react appropriately to the disaster.

3/05/2006 1:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not the President's place to make all those decisions so how is it his fault?

3/05/2006 4:05 PM  
Blogger Clint said...

It's his fault because he is the leader of our federal government which includes agencies like FEMA.

3/05/2006 4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahaha... it is impossible to put the blame entirely on one person, especially him. And that logic was pretty poor.

3/05/2006 8:19 PM  
Blogger Clint said...

Gotta love people that argue shit when they don't read your full argument. I've said that it was a failure at all levels of government and that it is not just Bush's fault. A lot of stuff is under his control though. Part of the blame definitely needs to fall on him. I challenge whoever this anonymous person, who seems to be too scared to reveal who they are, to show me how it is not Bush's fault at all. My side of the argument has been presented. Your side so far is composed of this, "Nuh Uh". Where's the real argument??

3/05/2006 8:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nuh uh

3/05/2006 10:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What our country needs at this point in time is unity, not separation. By censuring president Bush, Congress will only be furthering our nation in progression. What we need to realize is that while Bush holds an enormous amount of responsibility upon his plate, the blame is not taken solely by him. Numerous other sources, from local officals to FEMA to other excutives are all at fault. We can't play the game of pointing fingers. We need to play the game of resolution.

3/10/2006 3:00 PM  

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