Sunday, April 02, 2006

Wow, it's been a while

Well, I've been pretty busy the last few weeks of school and didn't have internet for most of the last week. I'll skip over st. patty's day, as many people already know the story. There are some pictures posted online from the parties and such...check out the link on the right.

I'll start out with finals. I had 2 on the thursday before last, one on the following friday, and the last one the next day on saturday morning. They all could've gone either way, but I'm hoping I did well. I do already have 1 of my final grades back. I got a 95 in my Applied Electrical Signals class, so I was happy about that.

This last week consisted of driving and being lazy. Monday and part of Tuesday I spent hanging out at the fraternity house with the few guys that were still around. Nothing exciting, just relaxing and having fun. Tuesday afternoon Lee and I headed to Michigan State University to hang out. Met up with some friends there and just sat around, talked, and watched movies. Again, a good, relaxing time. Wednesday afternoon we headed to Grand Rapids to stay with Lee's grandma for the night. She makes excellent food. Thursday morning we got up early and headed out to Iowa State Univ. in Ames. The drive was about 7 hours or so. It was beautiful weather until we hit Iowa. From then until now, it has been overcast and really rainy. We got to ISU and met up with the guys that interned with us at Polaris the last two terms. Went out to dinner and partied a bit at his place out there for the night. Friday morning we got up decently early and cruised into Okoboji, which is about a 3.5 hour drive. Since then, we've just been hanging out here at the apartment and getting stuff set up. I'll have pictures up of the apartment soon.

As for everything else, things seem to be going alright. Not really looking forward to getting up ungodly early tomorrow morning for work, but it's worth the money. I am taking a prob and stats class online over the work term here to get that out of the way. That should be pretty easy.

I'll try to update as often as I was during the school term...only problem is that there's not quite as much stuff going on over work term.


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