Friday, February 24, 2006

The End of 7th Week Already??

Well another week is just about over.  It seems like this term is flying by crazy fast.  It has been a really good time though.  I didn't write much about semiformal afterwards, but all-in-all, it was a very fun time.  Kim and I had a great time together.  For specific stories, just hit me up on the phone or online or whatever.

In other news, I have figured out most of my grades.  Right now I don't have less than a 90 in any of my classes, so I guess that's good.  This term is going pretty well.

The pledges are closing in on their initiation.  I can't say what we do, but it should be a really good time this year.  It'll be interesting to see it from the other side this time.

On Wednesday I had the opportunity to take out an awesome girl named Kellie.  I met her last summer at a sorority BBQ.  This term she's been around Kettering a lot and around the Fiji's a lot because her best friend was kinda with my big B Grimace.  Well I was able to score a date with her, which I was really happy about.  Since we were both pretty busy this week, we just went out to dinner and decided to go do something more fun when we both have more time.   She said she's up for a second date, so I'm definitely looking forward to that.  She's a lot of fun.

So Steph (friend from new york) and her friend Jen might be coming out the weekend of the 3rd to hang out and party.  I met her last summer when I was out there hanging out with adam for the 4th.  Hopefully they make it out!

That's about all I have for now...I just wanted to try out my blogger widget.  Those of you that are windows only users wouldn't know...  Things are so much easier on a mac...and cleaner!!  That being said...get one!


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