Thursday, November 10, 2005

I don't know what to do...

It's like I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. I haven't talked to Whitney in I don't know how long and it hurts just as bad as when I do. I'm torn in two different directions and have no idea where to go from here. I think what hurts the most is that in all that time, the most I got from her was a Hi on msn. Two weeks ago when I tried to just end it all and try to get out of the situation she did nothing but call and text wanting me back. Saying she didn't know what she had till she lost it. The following week was great...until he came back. I thought the words that she said that week were sincere and honest, but they seem so far from it looking at things now. They only seem true when she has no one else to look to. It's like I'm the fallback guy. I want so bad to talk to her, but at the same time I don't at all. When things are going good with her it's awesome friend. When things are like they are now I feel like I've lost part of me that I can't seem to replace.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is playing you, you are better than that. Does she have a b/f or just another guy that she wants? If she is ignoring you when he is around then you need to end things for good that is not right that she is treating you like that. Sorry hun I hope things get better for you.
Mrs Piglet

11/10/2005 1:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

clint you are an awesome person....sometimes in life you need to step out of a situation and evaluate why your in the situation. its cliche but you will know when someone is the one cause they will not ....repeat will not treat you like that. i love ya let me know when you need a haircut.

11/11/2005 11:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. As much as that advice totally sucks, it's totally right. You are an amazing person, and I was laying in bed last night thinking about it. I got sunday off anyway. Maybe it will give me a day to think about stuff?? And I know that sorry means more when there is actual change. But I can't change anything right now. I think we both know that. The last time we talked, I hung up crying, and decided from then on that just not talking to you would be easier for both of us. Apparently not. I haven't forgotten about you, and I you are in my mind every damn day, but we haven't talked for so long, I just don't know where to start. PS...I'm not playing you. You have to be actually dating someone to play them. Or live closer than 1200 miles away.

11/13/2005 5:07 PM  

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