Sunday, December 05, 2004

Christmas parties rock

Before I get on to the crazy ass Polaris Christmas party, I've got to talk about the Iowa debate tournament I judged yesterday. I thought I'd walk in to a tournament where the kids would be dressed up and know what they're doing, but what I saw was a bunch of kids that don't even know what a pair of slacks are. The coaches didn't say anything and they hardly even knew what they were talking about when it comes to the events. It pissed me off when I found out that the coaches cut the pieces for the kids in individual events...That's like the coach writing the case for the debaters. Once I figured out the worst judging system possible I got to my rounds only to watch dumb ass kids argue shit they didn't even understand themselves. Out of the eight debates that I watched in rooms that were like 6'x6', I saw one good debate...And they wouldn't come close to what Colorado has to offer. It was a sad sight.

After the depressing debate tournament I drove over to the expo center for my company's Christmas party. At first it just seemed like any nice Christmas party, but after dinner ended it started to get crazy. The alcohol was starting to take effect on the managers and supervisors. Lets just put it this way...I'll never be able to look at them the same again. It is pretty fun to watch my drunken supervisors try karaoke. At the end of the night there was still about three pans of chicken so I took'd give me a break from my microwave burritos.

Less that 2 weeks to go till I get to head home for Christmas!!! Then on the sixth I'm heading back to Flint for school. The school term is going to be bad ass. I can't wait. I miss all of you from school and home! See y'all soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait to go back to school either

12/05/2004 11:08 PM  

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